SJMI 2.0: Social Justice Group Facilitation

Date/Time: Nov. 11, 2019, 9:30 - 5:30 pm
Location: The Guild, 260 Washington Street, Dorchester
RSVP by email:
RSVP by phone: 617-414-3640
Register here:

This workshop will explore facilitation in a variety of group interventions. It will provide an introduction to group facilitation skills while applying a social justice lens. Through the use lecturettes, small group activities and a simulation, we will examine the role of conflict in groups, conflict prevention tools, and conflict management strategies. All are welcome to apply, but please note people who have completed Social Justice Mediation Institute’s five day training at Vital Village will be prioritized in applications.

Apply via: online or phone 617-414-3640

Contact/, 617-414-3640